Medical Weight Loss

  • Our weight loss program has proven beneficial for countless people.
  • Regularly scheduled consultations with a licensed medical provider.
  • Very safe and effective FDA approved medications.
  • Reduction in cravings and appetite.
  • Plans that are designed by keeping long term results in mind.

With Reset Now’s medical weight loss programs you can lose weight quickly, efficiently and affordably. Additionally, you will be able to keep that weight off with our time-tested weight loss maintenance plans.

Your First Visit

  • Receive thorough evaluation from a licensed and competent health care provider.
  • A complete medical history that will include past and present histories, any current treatments or medications, allergies and a comprehensive review of body’s general wellbeing.
  • A fully custom-made plan that includes your current weight, the weight you want to achieve, body’s fat percentage, Body Mass Index (BMI) and risk analysis in relation to any heart disease.
  • Initial Results: Your results are evaluated and addressed by licensed and board-certified health care providers.
  • Safe, customized, affordable and effective treatment plans which may include appetite suppressants, fat burning injections and dietary supplements.
  • Fully customized nutrition plans.
  • Weight loss that is long term.

Losing weight is half the battle, keeping that away is the other. Our long term program will kick in once you have achieved your desired weight loss goals. Our maintenance program involves customized diet plans, B-Complex injections, lipotropics, and use of bio-identical hormones to restore hormonal imbalance which is paramount for weight loss and feeling younger. All of these programs are administered by our board certified medical practitioners.


Diet Pills

All of our appetite suppression “diet pills” are FDA approved and they will help you with:

  • Appetite reduction
  • Giving you the sensation of being full
  • Suppression in hunger
  • Reduction or elimination of food cravings

Medicines like Phendimetrazine, Qsymia and Phentermine are prescribed under the supervision of Reset Now’s licensed medical practitioner.

Injectable Lipotropic Fat Burners

Our exclusive and potent lipotropic fat burners consist of inositol, methionine and chloline compounds.

These powerful fat burners help with:

  • Increasing the health of your heart and liver
  • Make the fat burning process easier
  • Increase in lean body mass and increase in energy

Please note that any patient with sulfa allergies might not be able to utilize lipotropic injections.